
The World Doesn't Stop. Neither Do We. Pursue Your Passions At Illinois Tech

Now more than ever, the world needs you to discover, create, and solve.

Salary Negotiation

What is your worth? How do you convey your eligibility for a higher salary? This Get Hired video offers insight …

Work Life Balance

Life is precious and should be spent prioritizing what matters most to us as individuals. There are times when being …

Job Fraud Warning Signs

Searching for a job on-line is a common practice, but also becoming common these days is on-line job fraud. Scams. …


The dynamic of teamwork is often analogous to sports in which the mission is unanimous and each teammate offers support …

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts will happen whether in your personal, professional, or academic life. It’s not always easy to understand other people’s contrasting …

Technical Interview

What is a technical interview? It is when you are required to perform a specific activity or assignment to demonstrate …

Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Sometimes the lines between work/home balance can blur. Especially if you find yourself teleworking. This video will provide you with …

In-Person Interviewing

Interviews can be nerve-racking regardless of how and where they are held. Though we are all getting accustomed to virtual …

Virtual Networking

The future of communication is upon us with virtual networking that enables us to adapt to social distancing requirements while …