Scarlet C-Suite Program: Creating a Successful LinkedIn Profile

The Scarlet C-Suite Program is a career readiness and success program designed to elevate your career success during and beyond Illinois Tech.

This workshop will cover the following concepts:

1. Do’s and Don’ts for creating your LI profile
2. LI 101 foundational tips and formatting
3. The importance of a great profile for your entire career

You must follow the instructions included with this recording to get credit for this workshop. Please listen carefully and submit what’s required.

Disability Resources: If you need assistance with health and wellness services to support your short or long-term condition please contact Jirun “Cora” Liu, Assistant Director of Disability Resources. Reasonable accommodations will be made for Illinois Tech students with documented disabilities. Cora can work with you to ensure that you get any appropriate accommodations to assist you with academic and co-curricular success. Cora can be contacted at or 312.567.5744

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