Elevate Your Future Now

Illinois Tech’s one-of-a-kind Elevate program guarantees that our students take part in outside-the-classroom experiences such as internships, research, study away, and competitions. It also provides personalized academic and career mentorship, all in pursuit of ensuring that students graduate career-ready.

When you choose to take part in Elevate, your journey will look like this:

Take Part in Hands-On Experience

Explore this portal to find the unique experiences offered to Illinois Tech students, which include internships, research, study away, competitions, and much more. You can also participate in a virtual internship before you even step foot on campus

You need to participate in at least two guaranteed experiences

Create Your Personal Elevate Plan

Beginning before you even arrive on campus and continuing once you’re here, you’ll work with a career adviser, academic mentor, and alumni coach to plan everything from your university coursework to your career pathway

Included in this process is connecting you with professional experiences and networking opportunities

Become Career Ready

If you take part in at least two guaranteed hands-on experiences and receive academic and career mentoring, our Elevate Promise is this: we believe you’ll receive a job offer within six months of graduation

If you don’t receive a job offer within six months, we’ll help you gain any additional skills that you may need

*Terms and conditions apply. For instance, students must maintain good academic standing with Illinois Tech and meet Elevate program requirements to remain eligible.

How to find On-Campus Jobs: A Guide for College Students

The process of securing an on-campus job can be tedious but highly rewarding. Whether you’re a freshman or a graduate student, on-campus jobs offer an excellent opportunity to gain work experience, earn extra income, and balance work with academic responsibilities. …

By Vaishnavi Ghaatki
Vaishnavi Ghaatki
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Dress for Success: A Guide to Professional Attire

Have you ever heard of the saying “how they see you, how they treat you”? This applies to all impressions. First impressions are powerful, especially in professional settings. Research shows that judgments about competence and professionalism are often made within …

By Mariana Sanchez Badillo
Mariana Sanchez Badillo
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From the Campus to IT & Consulting: Career Advice from a Leading Chicago Consultancy

It’s been almost a week since the Career Services Center welcomed Peter Ryan of CloudMasonry to share insights and advice during a webinar for students interested in starting a career in IT and consulting.

Many of our students shared great …

By Kat Davis
Kat Davis Co-Founder
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Featured Resources

How To & Why Use The Illinois Tech Career Services LinkedIn Index

Illinois Tech Career Services LinkedIn Index is a …

The Illinois Database of Grants and Fellowships for Graduate Students

The Illinois Database of Grants and Fellowships for Graduate Students …

Scarlet C-Suite Program

The Scarlet C-Suite Program is a comprehensive program offered by Career Services. The purpose of the program is to elevate …


3D modeling refers to the process of creating three-dimensional representations of objects or environments using specialized software. It involves designing …


Simulation involves creating a computer-based model or representation of a real-world process, system, or event. It aims to imitate the …