Be Kind To Yourself – Create For the Sake of Creation

One of the best methods of self-care I have found to be truly therapeutic and rewarding is creating. It can be something as simple as writing a poem or as elaborate as a trebuchet. 

My favorite part of my college experience has been the endless opportunities I’ve had to build and create. Whether it’s a prototype for your IPRO, an extracurricular competition a student organization is participating in, to a personal project you’re composing out of scrap material at the Idea Shop, there are so many resources available at IIT to get yourself started.

Here are some ideas to help get you started:

  • Attend an Art event (IIT Art Club, Society of Women Engineers, and Union Board often hosts paint sessions, sidewalk chalk activities, or other artistic events)
  • Go to the Idea Shop in Kaplan Institute, dig through the scrap bin, and try to build a box. 
  • Reach out to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ Design, Build, Fly team to help build a remote-controlled airplane.
  • Writers at IIT (WaIT) have regular meetings where they share their stories and offer helpful tips.
  • Enter the annual IIT Writing Contest – Money is a great motivator and getting paid for a poem or short story is fun!
  • Enter the IIT Fall Pumpkin Launch – Student Orgs often compete with their pumpkin launchers. AIAA, Idea Shop, and Robotics Club competed last year. 
By Hannah Snyderburn
Hannah Snyderburn Peer Mentor