Inside Look Into Student Government Association (SGA)

Hey! So you’re curious about what the Student Government Association does here at Illinois Tech? Most of what we deal with is approving new student organizations and then making sure student organizations receive equitable funding from the Student Activity Fund. Every full-time student pays $125 per semester into the SAF, and SGA’s Finance Board redistributes that money to student organizations to fund conference trips, organizational projects like ASCE’s concrete canoe, on-campus events like speaker series, and off-campus events. We also occasionally fund campus resources, like the upcoming Elevate Student Organization Maker Space. 

As president of SGA, I also get to participate in a lot of meetings across campus. I work closely and talk frequently with the Office of Campus Life,  and get to represent the student perspective in University Faculty Council meetings, Alumni Association discussions, and gatherings of the University Trustees. I also get to represent SGA at the monthly President’s Student Advisory Council meetings with Pres. Echambadi. I also get to help support Senators explore their legislative priorities, I’ve learned a lot from Finance Board about how our student organizations like to spend money, and Judicial Board lets me explore my bureaucratic impulses. 

If you have time or interest, SGA is a great starting point for making a difference. We could always use more help. Feel free to check us out at, or shoot us an email at

By Benjamin Barber
Benjamin Barber