Bridge Recruiting is an amazing way to meet employers on campus and it also provides companies with an opportunity to have a presence on campus. This event is scheduled in Handshake and Employers have an opportunity to select the days that suit their schedules. Bridge Recruiting can also be considered as an engaging event for the following stakeholders: Students, Parents, Staff, Faculty, Student Organizations and the like.
It is always a win win when employers come on campus. They present opportunities to engage students to interact with employers, identify current skill sets, and have an opportunity to articulate experience to employers and have a since of comfort along with confidence while engaging with the employers.
Let’s Welcome Bridge Recruiting!!! We are back for the Fall Semester and beyond! Definitely be on the lookout: Via your email, Handshake announcements, UpShow (Monitors displayed throughout our campus), Suitable, Uconnect, Elevate, and more to spark your interest.
Bridge Recruiting/Information Table Location
Bridge Recruiting is located/set up at The McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) “Bridge,” a central walkway in the campus hub for students. This “on-the-Bridge” recruiting is usually offered over the lunch hour, for up to three hours. You can also think of Bridge recruiting as a mini-career fair. Up to three companies can be booked daily varying in industry on Tuesday-Thursday. We hope to see you there!!! Come prepared, be optimistic and have an open mind!